Welcome to Ultiduo Season 2

Wed, May 27, 2020 by Kumori


We would like to thank for your patience as we ready up the next season of UGC Ultiduo. Please be sure to grab the latest whitelist and configs versions!

Whitelist v.052220
Configs v.052220

You can locate the whitelist and configs under downloads.

The whitelist will include the following changes:

  • Unbanned Weapon: Air Strike
  • Unbanned Weapon: Liberty Launcher
  • Unbanned Weapon: Righteous Bison
  • Unbanned Weapon: Equalizer
  • Unbanned Weapon: Solemn Vow

The configs will include the following changes:

  • mp_winlimit "2"

Please have the updated whitelist and configs installed on your servers before Week 1.

Important Dates
Tuesday, June 9th - Week 1 of Ultiduo Season 2
Wednesday, June 17th - Ultiduo Signups Close
Wednesday, July 22nd - Ultiduo Fulltime Rosterlock
Tuesday, August 4th - Playoffs Start
Tuesday, August 18th - Grand Finals

Ultiduo Admins for Season 2
Head Admin: Kumori
Admin: Phlogic

Whitelist and Config Changes

We have heavily decided the course of Season 2 based upon the feedback in the Polls. Thanks to everyone that has taken a part in it!

First, a strongly requested change to the configs: mp_winlimit "1" has been changed to mp_winlimit "2"
The above change will provide smoother gameplay. Please remember to read below on the new instructions for Ultiduo Match Play and Scoring!

Last season we allowed the Kritzkrieg to shake things up and give teams something new to try, and it has been met with praise in our feedback. We will continue allowing the Kritzkrieg in Season 2.
A slew of unlocks have also been unbanned based upon constructive feedback: Air Strike, Liberty Launcher, Righteous Bison, Equalizer and Solemn Vow
It is our goal in UGC to strike balance between providing more diverse gameplay by allowing a few more unlocks, without upsetting the format in our Ultiduo league.

We are excited to see what these changes have on the new season and will revisit them thereafter!

Map Rotation

Our maplist has been released and posted here.

Ultiduo Match Play
  • Config: ugc_ultiduo.cfg
  • Default Match Day: Tuesday
  • Match Play and Scoring:­ Ultiduo maps are played best 2 out of 3 rounds. Each round ends on a timer. Whichever team owns the control point when the timer runs out is considered the winner of that round. The first team to win 2 rounds wins the game. If scores are tied 1-1 after two rounds then a tie breaker round is to be played. The first team to win the tie breaker round will win the game.
  • Each round win counts as 1 point.
  • Possible match scores are: 2-0 or 2-1.


Team Placements

We are feverishly working on getting all teams placed in their proper divisions. Schedules for Week 1 will be going out by Saturday, June 6th at the latest so make sure to check back around that time!

Reminder to All New and Returning Teams

If your team is not yet placed into a skill division please submit a division change request from your leader panel.

After you have been placed into a skill division and have the minimum required number of players on your roster, don't forget to set your team to Ready in your leader panel to be scheduled for matches!

Reminders to Team Leaders
  • You are ­­­required­ to use the Match Comm panel every week to coordinate your match date, time and server. You can access this by logging into the site with your leader username and password that was sent to you when your team was created. Click on the "Match List" tab to find this week's matchup.­
  • All discrepencies will reference the Match Comms as the official form of communication between teams!
  • Forfeit matches will not be accepted if there are no posts in the Match Comms panel!
  • The leader of the winning team should report the match score as soon as the match is over.
  • If neither team reports the match score the match will go as unplayed and your teams will be moved to Not Ready.
  • Teams are not allowed to change the maps under any circumstances.


League Support

If you have an issue that requires admin attention, please contact us on our Discord server (https://discord.gg/ugcleague) or by the support ticket system. Players who login via Steam can submit a ticket as well as leaders who login with a special leader username/password. The ticket system can be located in the Support Menu once you login as a player or a leader.

Thank you for your continued patience and patronage!
- Kumori
UGC TF2 General Manager

References: [ Downloads | Server Rules ]

Team Admins: Login by Steam or Battlenet to access your Team Admin panel. Or use the Team Admin Login below to use your dedicated username/password.

Team Admin Login
Join UGC Discord
  • No announcements
  • Sun, Jan 28 - Ultiduo Season 13 coming soon
  • Season: 14
  • Number Match Weeks: 8
  • Team Max Players: 5