Waynesboro Ninjas


Pyro Force

Match Week: 5 , Default Date: Wed, 10/10/12


Game Details

Home Team Total Score Matchpoints
Waynesboro Ninjas 0 2.5
Visiting Team TotalScore Matchpoints
Pyro Force 0 0


Waynesboro Ninjas

Total Match Scores: ( 0 - 0 )
Score by rounds: ( 0 - 0 ) ( 0 - 0 ) ( 0 - 0 ) Matchpoints earned: (2.5)

Match Write-up

[WN] Firestrife_x: Waynesboro Ninjas won because Pyro Force decided to Forfeit. Their team leader told his other team leaders that he wished to do so, and one of the team leaders posted in the Comms that that was the case. The other team leader has not been able to report.

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