Idiots wielding Guns


Waynesboro Ninjas

Match Week: 6 , Default Date: Wed, 10/17/12


Game Details

Home Team Total Score Matchpoints
Idiots wielding Guns 0 0
Visiting Team TotalScore Matchpoints
Waynesboro Ninjas 0 2.5


Waynesboro Ninjas

2.5 Matchpoints Awarded
Total Match Scores: Waynesboro Ninjas (0 ) - Idiots wielding Guns (0)
Round Scores (w-l)
R1 Points R2 Points R3(OT) Points.
0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0

Match Write-up

[WN] Firestrife_x: IwG due to [WN] having to wait 24 minutes past the match start time at 9:30. Here are the steam logs: Ugc logs for the match against IwG at 9:30 + on 10/17/12 [WN] Firestrife_x: hello [WN] Firestrife_x: hello [IwG] trigger_hurt: Hi [WN] Firestrife_x: i crashed.. but im back [WN] Firestrife_x: whats your status? [WN] Firestrife_x: whats going on with you guys? [IwG] trigger_hurt: Both of our guys are still downloading [WN] Firestrife_x: You dont have 6? [IwG] trigger_hurt: 5 [WN] Firestrife_x: downloading the update? [WN] Firestrife_x: or the entire game? cuz its been a while lol [IwG] trigger_hurt: I really dont undertstand why they didnt just download the maps from the website... [IwG] trigger_hurt: The map [WN] Firestrife_x: they really should have [WN] Firestrife_x: its already 20 past the start time, and your still missing 3 people. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Sorry about all of this [IwG] trigger_hurt: 2 [IwG] trigger_hurt: Missing 2 people [IwG] trigger_hurt: If you guys really care, you can take the win. [IwG] trigger_hurt: We can forfeit. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Still, I would prefer to play, even if only just for fun. [WN] Firestrife_x: 5.2.3. A team must have a minimum 6 members ready to play by fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled match time. Otherwise, they will receive a forfeit loss at their opponents descretion. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Teams play with a maximum of 6 players each. A team may play shorthanded by choice, but a minimum of 5 players is required to play a match [WN] Firestrife_x: however its been 15 past already [WN] Firestrife_x: infact its been 22 past. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Yeah. [IwG] trigger_hurt: You guys win, if you want. [WN] Firestrife_x: Most of us have school work and things to get to. [WN] Firestrife_x: Thats why we arent able to wait way past the starting point. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Ok [WN] Firestrife_x: 15 is understandable.. but this is ridiculous. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Agreed. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Sorry about that. [WN] Firestrife_x: its all good man [WN] Firestrife_x: keep me added, and sometime when you guys are organized message. We will gladly scrim. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Sure. [IwG] trigger_hurt: Sorry about tonight, really. We weren't well prepared enough. logs ended at 5:56

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Idiots wielding Guns
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Waynesboro Ninjas
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