.Lil Base Gods.


Banana Shovers

Match Week: 2 , Default Date: Wed, 6/12/13


Game Details

Home Team Total Score Matchpoints
.Lil Base Gods. 0 5
Visiting Team TotalScore Matchpoints
Banana Shovers 0 0


.Lil Base Gods.

Total Match Scores: ( 0 - 0 )
Score by rounds: ( 0 - 0 ) ( 0 - 0 ) ( 0 - 0 ) Matchpoints earned: (5)

Match Write-up

Lil Based Out K1d: The forfeit winner are the .Lil Based Out Gamers. due to the me, the leader .Lil Base K1d. went to check our match communications and it said that the Banana Shovers has dropped. So, I went and contacted an admin about what this means and the admin told me that this is a forfeit win. Thank you for your time.

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