South African Defense Force
Total Match Scores: (
Score by rounds:
( 0
( 0
( 0
Matchpoints earned:
Match Write-up
Merbo :33333333 •?•: we can't make it
Merbo :33333333 •?•: my mom took a hammer to my gaming computer
Merbo :33333333 •?•: my medic is sick
Merbo :33333333 •?•: etc
Merbo :33333333 •?•: my mom is a bitch
Merbo :33333333 •?•: i'll fix it up tomorrow
Merbo :33333333 •?•: for now, can we delay?
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: sec
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: we cant play for the rest of the week, i have a roamer out tomorrow, medic out friday
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: your mom destroyed your computer?
Merbo :33333333 •?•: tomorrow then
Merbo :33333333 •?•: grrab a ringer
Merbo :33333333 •?•: we'll have somebody ring so it's fair
Merbo :33333333 •?•: shhe bashed it open, not gonna use it
Merbo :33333333 •?•: gonna improvise a plastic shield on the side
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: we literally cant play the rest of the week
Merbo :33333333 •?•: you have a roamer out
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: and a medic tomorrow
Merbo :33333333 •?•: if youget a ringer on him
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: and medic friday
Merbo :33333333 •?•: we'll have ours ring
Merbo :33333333 •?•: ugh
Merbo :33333333 •?•: dude
Merbo :33333333 •?•: i don't want to forfeit
Merbo :33333333 •?•: we'll havve to do SOMETHING
Merbo :33333333 •?•: can you play late tonight>
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: nah my team is predominantly younger
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: i have 2 leaving at 9 for homework
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: after matches everyone kinda goes numb
Merbo :33333333 •?•: well fuck
Merbo :33333333 •?•: i'll talk tomorrow
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: i dont want you to forfeit either
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: but we cant play as a team tomorrow or friday
Merbo :33333333 •?•: :(((((((((((
Merbo :33333333 •?•: is citrus on your team
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: mhm
Merbo :33333333 •?•: he is my cousin
Merbo :33333333 •?•: let him know what happened because lel
Merbo :33333333 •?•: srsly
Merbo :33333333 •?•: we'll try to work it out
SADF_ _ _ _ _ _Jahammair: we need to play tonight homie
WInner > SADF
Opposing team was unavaialble to play tonight at predetermined time, and also at normal default match time. SADF Was ready to play tonight, and are unable to play for rest of week as a team.