Not Too Shabby


Rising Up!

Match Week: 4 , Default Date: Wed, 10/9/13


Game Details

Home Team Total Score Matchpoints
Not Too Shabby 0 0
Visiting Team TotalScore Matchpoints
Rising Up! 0 2.5


Rising Up!

2.5 Matchpoints Awarded
Total Match Scores: Rising Up! (0 ) - Not Too Shabby (0)
Round Scores (w-l)
R1 Points R2 Points R3(OT) Points.
0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 0

Match Write-up

rise^ zer0points! : Winner is RIsing Up! due to unfortunate forfeit. We were half way through the match when they lost both Medic and Roamer. Then, Rising Up's leader subbed in for them while deafened in his own Mumble. After that, Not Too Shabby lost a third player. Here's chat log: zer0points! : You can't do with 3 boobgrow.static : i know zer0points! : You have 5 mins to get 3 boobgrow.static : we forfeit Good luck to Not Too Shabby in the rest of the season. Let's hope they come back from this.

no preds

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  • Season: 45
  • Number Match Weeks: 8