Team Interrobang


Number 99 Moose

Match Week: 9 , Default Date: Wed, 3/26/14


Game Details

Home Team Total Score Matchpoints
Team Interrobang 0 2.5
Visiting Team TotalScore Matchpoints
Number 99 Moose 0 0


Team Interrobang

Total Match Scores: ( 0 - 0 )
Score by rounds: ( 0 - 0 ) ( 0 - 0 ) ( 0 - 0 ) Matchpoints earned: (2.5)

Match Write-up

Keluandrie: 3:52 PM - Keluandrie: Heya. 3:56 PM - wb. AtomicRSN: hello! You added me? 3:52 PM - Keluandrie: Yep. Have a match today against ya. 3:57 PM - wb. AtomicRSN: Oh sweet 3:52 PM - Keluandrie: Default time work? 3:57 PM - wb. AtomicRSN: Wait are you scrimming 99M? 3:53 PM - Keluandrie: No, have a match against 99M today. 3:58 PM - wb. AtomicRSN: Oh! I thought we disbanded. I'm sorry, 3:54 PM - Keluandrie: Heh, it's fine. You guys made it to the consolation finals, and you're our first match. 3:59 PM - wb. AtomicRSN: Sorry man. D: I moved up to a platinum team and the team fell apart 3:55 PM - Keluandrie: Ah, k. 3:55 PM - Keluandrie: Want me to just post match results as a forfeit? 4:00 PM - wb. AtomicRSN: Yea

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  • Season: 45
  • Number Match Weeks: 8