JJ the Jet Plane


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TF2 Team History

TF2 Highlander

Team Player's Name Joined Dropped Team's Division at Join
the Fellowship
`9 - NA Gold
Jake 8/22/2013
Joined S11
Dropped S17
S11 (8/2013 - 1/2014) - NA Gold
Hard Ass
h|A - NA Gold
Jake 5/24/2012
Joined S7
Dropped S10
S7 (5/2012 - 8/2012) - NA Steel

TF2 6vs6

Team Player's Name Joined Dropped Team's Division at Join
Kitties and Titties
=^.^= - NA Silver
JJ the Jetplane 1/29/2015
Joined S17
Dropped S21
S17 (1/2015 - 4/2015) - NA Silver
Max Keeble's Big Airshot
MKB - NA Silver
Jake 4/16/2014
Joined S14
Dropped S17
S14 (1/2014 - 5/2014) - *New Teams (N.A.)
Blackley's Chess Champions
vM8 - NA Iron
Jake 9/4/2013
Joined S13
Dropped S14
S13 (8/2013 - 1/2014) - NA Steel
The Midnight Muffin Societ
MM - NA Platinum
Jake 9/3/2012
Joined S10
Dropped S12
S10 (8/2012 - 1/2013) - NA Steel

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